Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I concede to the season...

Last weekend, I received one of the funnest prophetic words I've had in a long time. It was pretty accurate too. Ha ha. It was kind of ironic as I was serving at our church prophetic time that night, prophesying over others. In a break, the overseer of this ministry began to prophesy over me. She said I reminded her of one of the characters in the movie Julie & Julia (see pic above, Amy Adams is the actress she was referencing). It was so fun! There was some really amazing stuff she said that spoke of some of the deepest parts of me.
One of the funniest things that stood out, was her word about my writing and creativity. She said I needed to write. To make time for writing and to switch off my responsibility (fyi: responsibility is my top strength in the strengths finder test!) which steals my time to write (again yet another truth). The reason this resonated so powerfully, is that it was confirmation to what I was feeling Holy Spirit speak to me about recently. To document, to write, to record some of the unique (and lets be honest) vulnerable experiences I am currently going through, but which I have been somewhat hesitant to share because it's not something that is my first preference or something that I signed up for. But it's my response to His invitation to say yes to risk. And to learn how to be powerful in any and every situation. Especially in the pursuit of dreams and desires, when it feels like NOTHING is happening. Despite your faithfulness and your efforts at co-laboring. So since 'there is a holiness to the heart's affections' I ask that you would be gentle with me in my vulnerability as I share with you about some new things I am taking risk in and learning how to be powerful in the midst of what seems like lack, delay and unfulfilled desire.
I finally concede to the season. It's time to write.


  1. wow, thanks for sharing! I'm writing more than every myself right now. Seems like He's looking to raise some new authors ;D
