Tuesday, October 4, 2011

the marriage of the old & new.

there’s a glory on the dawning of the new. the first break of light. even though there’s a sadness to that which is passing. old things falling to the place where they should. to make room for the new. to hold the new.

Fighting off the grip of sleep each morning is aided by the prospect of that first flash, that first glimpse of dawn. Light. I love watching it expand across the sky. It captures the transformation that He does within, as more rays of His light rip through the strongholds of faulty mindsets.
I’ve been thinking a lot about newness. new things. new seasons. It ‘dawned’ on me this am as I was driving to work....something feels new. Something feels different. Fresh. Not sure what it is yet as its still draped in dew. But its here and I cant wait to see what unfolds.
A friend and I were having a conversation about closure recently. Especially as it pertains to positioning/placement.
It generated a lot of thoughts in my head....Often, when moving into the new, there is a natural closure that happens of the old. Sometimes it can feel sad, because we are closing things out, ending things. Finishing.
But then I had this thought. Closure is often an opportunity or an invitation to take old things to new levels. To elevate them. To raise the standard of them. At times it is a walking away, a division, a separation. Moving into different directions. But it can also be an opportunity to go deeper. to go higher. to go lower. In the midst of the dawning of the new, and the closing or finishing of old things....I feel this draw, this pull, this invitation to take some of the old things with me for the very purpose of going deeper.
Vulnerability is a buzz word for me in this season. And I feel one of the glories of the new that I am stepping into, is in inviting greater vulnerability into some of the existing (old) relationships I have.
I guess part of the new that I am sensing, as I process it, is in old/existing relationships going to new places and levels in my heart. in my life. in my time. in my schedule.

He makes even old things new, or why else would He promise to renew our youth like the eagle?

Suddenly, in the midst of this all.....closure, finishing, endings have become beautiful. They represent opportunities for new stories to be told, sometimes with the same characters. Much like a sequel. One of the things I love most about sequels are the history of the characters and journey's that they convey. It makes my heart inexplicably happy.