Monday, January 31, 2011

Art for England!

I am also taking orders for prints of my popular rainbow painting called "Promises Fulfilled" which is at the top of the page.

Latest Edition:
Trees of Hope. I felt like God was saying that 2011 was about Trees of Hope being established in our midst! Prints of this are for sale. Get in touch if interested.

Profits all go towards my march missions trip to England this year March 9-21. Buy my art and help send me to the Land of Hope and Glory.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have to dream so much bigger. So so so much! What nations, movements, people, cultures do I want to shape?

God break my small mindedness when it comes to dreaming. No limits. No boundaries. Anything is possible!

If the sky is the limit, what would you dare to dream?

Saturday, January 1, 2011



Its January 1st 2011....the start of something new.
I have been back home in the UK for the last 2 weeks visiting over the holiday period. Its been somewhat of a significant trip-my first visit home after moving to Redding 18 months ago. I've made some interesting observations and have had some positive confirmations on this trip.

As I look ahead to the new year I am so overwhelmed with EXPECTANT HOPE. POSSIBILITY. And a firm conviction that no matter what, God is good, and LIFE IS SOOOO GOOD! I love my life.

I realised today-you know you love your life when you miss being away from it whilst on holiday. Ha. So true. I think this is the first time that I can actually, authentically say that this is the first 'holiday' I have been on that I did not actually need-in terms of refreshment or a need to get away. And that right there folks is indicative of the kind of life giving culture I am a part of at Bethel. Don't hate.

What's my current anthem? Fix you by cold play. I am mesmerised by "lights will guide you home and ignite your bones". Sigh. That line resounds in my spirit so strongly. And the way the music is arranged. Stunning.

New years resolutions?

I have one.

I am done with introspection. I will not self examine myself anymore, because NOTHING good ever comes from that. And anyway, thats not my job. The helper is the one who convicts and leads me into all truth, so I just decided I will leave all that up to Him, rather than taking it on myself.

2011. My name is Michelle. Its so lovely to meet you. I can't wait for all your promises to unfold. Heres to loving well, living well and laughing much.