Monday, November 29, 2010

Still give thanks

THanksgiving break 2010. BEST EVER.

I am so thankful for the great people in my life. Great friendships. In fact, I don't think I've ever been this full regarding the people that are in my life in this season.

Whilst the snow diverted me from Seattle for the holidays, a quick re-route was decided and I ended up migrating south, to Ventura, to stay with my favorites.

Not only that, but God is so good that He set it up to be with special friends on a landmark time to redeem things that last year had been attacked.
As we celebrated together this year, it was clear things were different...

It was fun to discuss how we've personally grown and developed in light of His transforming power...

I love my life so much. I love the people who are in it immensely.

So here's a tribute to this amazing lady and our journey together.
A time of promises fulfilled, the year of jubilee.

Cheers to you Clare...and Joey and Lucky!

Thanks for your friendship and love.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Love Comes

I can hardly put into words just what has been happening in my heart over the last year, but particularly over the last few months. I’m a beautiful mess. Ha.
Where do I even begin? Im not sure I can do this justice but I shall try.

Most of my challenges this year have been in the area of relationships. One particular relationship really made me feel so beyond vulnerable that it was ridiculous. And it was so uncomfortable being THAT vulnerable. At any rate, in that whole process this became my daily confession: “Lord I trust you with my heart, even if that person fails to handle my heart in the right way. Even if that person messes up in their dealings with me.” What a scary confession that was. But. But it soon became a beautiful expression of my trust in Him. A realisation of just how capable His love is at covering even the most messiest of outcomes. Even after interactions with that person stopped, that expression continued to play a part in my daily routine. I guess it had become a habit, one which I do not intend on giving up or breaking. I find that this expression sets me up to be the best me I can be in any situation because I know He covers and protects my heart, so I no longer have anything to fear. I am free to be. I am free to love. Because I trust Him with my heart, and I know that His love is so vast and so thick and heavy there is nothing that cannot bow to it.

I’ve been having the most amazing times in School simply encountering the Father’s heart in a deeper way. Usually, it leaves me lying on the floor, hair stuck to a tear stained face, a trail of make up coursing down my cheeks...that in itself is breakthrough for me. Being messed up to that degree in public. The British reserve is crumbling as I feel more free than ever to be a beautiful mess in the midst of not just school, but family.

The more I encounter His heart, the more I love. I do no know how He has done it or exactly what He did, but I can feel my heart enlarging...I have more love than ever to give.
This is a season where I am ready for a degree of love I've often dreamed of but not quite fully experienced. Its chasing me down. It’s stalking me. I am a target. I can feel it.
And I realise that kind of love is a love that isn’t's a love that is already satisfied and full and thankful. That kind of love postures itself from a place of giving, not receiving, because it's already brimming over. It's the kind of love that already knows itself and has settled that point in its core. It’s the kind of love that doesn’t need, because it’s needs have already been met, but it’s the kind of love, that wants. And from that place there is a willingness to stoop to a level of vulnerability where all you can do is say again “God, I trust you with my heart, no matter the outcome”

Ready? Take a deep breath.

Here comes love.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Buy my art and send me to England on missions!

I now have prints available of my original "promises fulfilled" painting that I sold back in August. Prints are available in Matte or Laminated and are roughly 18 x 20 in size. Price ranges from $30-45 for the prints.

Beneath the rainbow painting are the images of a piece I did last week in school during worship. I call it the flow of life.

The bottom one is a commissioned piece I did recently for a friend. Greater Glory, Deeper Realms.

Buy my artwork and help send me to England March 9-21 with BSSM for missions. I am deeply invested in helping Great Britain become the land of Hope & Glory it was called to be. We will be doing a leaders conference in London first and then split into smaller teams to go back with the leaders to their home churches to build relationships and do ministry there. This is an incredible opportunity to sow into revival in the UK...Please partner with me to send me. I have a $250 deposit that is due this friday. The trip total is $2,500.
God has been stirring my heart for the home soil over the summer months that I decided to stay in Redding to work. I had some dreams about returning to the UK-specifically England in March to go on my missions trip for 2011 and knew God was leading me to sign up for England as my number one priority for school missions. When I applied last month, England was my top choice and I soon discovered that I got picked to go on the trip along with a team of 39 others despite hundreds of others also applying. Clearly I have favor when it comes to getting my top choice trips-you'll remember last year I got to go to Israel! Glory!
The two leaders of the team are both first year school of ministry pastors. They will be releasing in to do ministry amongst leaders in the UK which will consist of a whole host of things-prophetic art, prophecy, healing, etc. The emphasis is also on building relationship with those who are hungry for more of God.
It is such an honor to be selected for this trip and I feel strongly that this is where the Lord lead me to go in March 2011. Being British (Scottish) myself, many of you who know me have heard about my heart for revival in the land and that I have been praying for it to come and be sustained, wisely stewarded, since I was about 10. I feel this trip is an opportunity to sow into and accelerate what I have been praying into for so long. WIll you partner with me to send me to the UK and collaborate with heaven to release abundant measures of His hope and His glory in the land? I want to be sent.
You can give in several ways, please contact me to find out.
If you are interested in any of my pieces feel free to get in touch...I can also do commissioned pieces too, all profits going towards missions and school expenses. THANKS!