Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Practical ways to get back to original intent and purpose-how to move towards restoration

Following on from my last note on restoration, I feel like there are some practical things I can do to stay connected to my original intent and purpose in Him. And so I thought I would share them.

First of all when you lose vision or become disconnected from something, you have to try to reconnect and find vision again.

How do I do that?
I intentionally set time aside to meditate on who He has called me to be, who He has said that I am, the destiny He has called me to etc etc. I find revisiting prophetic words that others have given me, or prophetic insights/scriptures that He has released to me, all help to confirm, affirm and underline my identity and my purpose in Him. What you think on determines what you do. Action flows from thought: As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. What you say about yourself and the kind of conversations you have will indicate the thoughts you think, positive or negative.

Secondly, I spend specific and consistent time to just dream with God. I dream about what I am passionate about and what it would take to see some of those things fulfilled. What would my passion fully realised look like? How would that affect the world? What are some small practical ways I can begin doing that?
I find dreaming releases me to think bigger and more creatively. It breaks down restrictions and limitations in my thinking, exposing faulty mindsets by revealing truth!

All of these ways help me to connect to His original intent and purpose for me.

So what are some things that you do to come back to or stay connected with original intent and purpose?

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