Sunday, September 16, 2012

Peace that surpasses understanding

I love peace. It's one of my core values. I can't live a day without it. But you know when you have those moments where you misplace it? Like a wallet accidentally left at the checkout of a grocery store...You discover that you left it somewhere and you momentarily have that sense of panic..."oh no, where did I see it or have it last"?
You retrace your steps and find it again.
Peace is a powerful force. It's not passive. Its active. It's defensive.
The God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet. Rom 16:20
He will keep in perfect peace him who's mind is STAYED on you. Is 26:3
Peace will GUARD your hearts and minds Phil 4:7
Jesus calmed the storm, because the peace inside of Him was a greater reality than the external storm He found himself in. "The storm you can sleep in, is the storm you have authority over."
Peace is a soldier, protecting, quelling, watching, guarding, defending our hearts, our minds in a crazy, chaotic, distracting world.

Today, I am intentionally choosing peace in the midst of blatant uncertainty. I am letting go of my need to understand and have the future all mapped out, so that I can repose in His perfect peace.

Peace to you today, whatever you are going through, whatever circumstances you find yourself in....May the God of all peace so fill you up right now...

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